Dayspring Montessori School Blog

what's going on at dayspring?

February, our International Cultural Month February 28, 2015

Filed under: Uncategorized — dayspringmontessori @ 8:57 pm

We really were busy this month. We had two childrens’ birthday parties, Valentine’s day party, parents’ presentations of their cultures and the final party, our international tasting food fair with a puppet show. And it hasn’t all been special events.  The children have worked very hard too.

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Birthday children ‘E’ and ‘W’ are walking around circle as many times as their age, carrying the earth globe.  The candle represents the sun and the children are singing “the earth goes around the sun…..”.

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“Be my valentine!” “I am giving you my heart!” Children were very happy to give their friend presents  And also they had projects for their parents with love.

The Dayspring family is diverse so every year we naturally have cultural awareness events. Our parents, so good and helpful, come and present some interesting features of their culture, features that they know will catch the imagination of the children.  And the children, in fact, are enthusiastic to hear about and see artifacts of the cultures.  And this they connect with what they already can see and know about their classmates.

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This year we had a number of cultural presentations.

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A’s mom is presenting Bulgarian culture and the children are making Bulgarian “love bracelets”.

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S’s mom is showing a Ukrainian Easter egg decorated with traditional Ukrainian folk designs and children colored wonderful egg designs on poster brought by Mrs. R.

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EM’s mom is talking about “hair cutting ceremony” in Mongolia and demonstrates cutting the hair of her own child, our EM.16 15

J, one of our teachers, shows and explains to us about the culture of her ancestors, the Alaskan Inuits and tells us how to make Eskimo Inuit pins.

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E is watching his mom’s teaching about China and showing a “Good Luck” pocket.

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The children are showing Korean traditional dresses and others then are making a Korean traditional dress orgami.

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“I worked with the Asia map”.  “Now I could be a Indian girl with traditional dress.”

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Our teacher ‘A’ is presenting some good things from Polish culture and the Polish flag.

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“Wow!  What a great puppet show!  This is fun.  He fooled us again. Do, it again, please, Mr. K.”

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“My! All the foods look so delicious!” The children are learning some good stuff as the parents explain the foods.